Saturday, May 24, 2014

Project: Yard Work

While Mom and Dad are away, I haven't had much to do, but I didn't want to go back to bed after feeding Pat in the mornings. So I used the valuable (and cool) time to work in the yard....

building a flower bed! Out of cinder blocks!!

I forgot to take a true "before" picture, but this is what it looked like before I started work on day 2:

After a little more weeding...

It was time to lay down my cinder blocks! As you can see, I was short some blocks, but that's okay! I'll get more after my parents get home.

I haven't decided what to plant in it yet and for the moment, I think it's too hot for any plants to survive (or it will be too hot very soon) but towards the end of summer, maybe even in the fall, maybe we'll plant some veggies or flowers. I'd also like to put some herbs in all the little holes. We'll see what Mom and Dad say when they come back. 

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