About Me

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the blogging world! It's not very big, but pull up a chair, I'll make you some English Breakfast tea, and you can sit and stay awhile. My name is Misha, pleased to meet you. (Or rather, introduce myself to you.)

I am a young adult who blogs to share my joy and enthusiasm for life, and keep the family updated on my various goings-on. I just graduated from college with my Bachelor's degree in English through Thomas Edison State College! What's next? That's what I'm trying to figure out. I am just taking life one step at a time, being faithful in little things until the Lord brings me big things. For the immediate future, I will be teaching writing to 7th and 8th grade students for the 2014-15 school year. Beyond that? The future is a vast unknown.

Regardless of where life takes me, one thing remains constant: my purpose. I believe God is the Ultimate Artist who has designed me as a creative individual and gifted me with an artistic lens to see the world. I believe my purpose is to create beautiful things-- with my hands, with my words, and with my life -- in order to make the world around me a more beautiful place and point others to the Artist behind it all."

I am: an individual, a daughter, a sister, a storyteller, a poet, an artist, a work in progress. This is me, and this blog is part of my story.