Friday, January 23, 2015

French Progress!

It occurred to me that those of you who have not heard my French (but have heard all about it on this blog) may be wondering: Gee, Misha says she is learning French, but I'm not so sure. Remember when she tried to learn Spanish with Rosetta stone? Sadly, such concerns are legitimate! (I barely made it 3 days with Rosetta Stone Spanish, for all my enthusiasm then.) But, here I have provided video proof to dispel any concerns about Misha's mythological French studies. I promise you, they are not myth.

It's been awhile since I mustered the bravery to talk with native French speakers on Skype, but today I had a wonderful conversation with my friend Clara! We talked about all sorts of things, but mostly we ended up giggling a lot as we tried to navigate the language barriers. My awful pronunciation was the running joke throughout the conversation, but she could understand most of what I said and I could understand most of what she said. If nothing else, I could understand enough words to get the gist of what she was saying. Her little brother came in and helped us out, much to Clara's dismay but I found him quite amusing and even the slightest bit helpful!

To be truthful, my French studies sloughed off last semester which is perhaps why I did not enjoy past conversations with native speakers. I never understood their French because it was too fast and when I asked them to repeat it, they spoke at the same speed! I have not necessarily learned more vocabulary since my last conversation, but since the new year, I have renewed my studies with vigor, this time focusing on the pronunciation. Although I was enthusiastic in the very beginning of my French study, I also picked up many bad habits with my pronunciation so I am trying to go back and correct that. I've been studying with Anki, a spaced-repetition system which is a glorified (and super fancy) flash card system on the computer. I love it! And with the few weeks I've been working on it and all the vocab I learned before, I can tell my comprehension and speaking has really improved! Yay!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 in Review

While last year was a year of freedom, I think this year was one of standing on the edge and laughing at the darkness below. As I predicted, 2014 led to many big, scary adventures that pushed me beyond the boundaries of comfort and to new heights of personal growth. I didn't believe it was possible, but 2014 was definitely bigger--a lot bigger--than 2013! I don't think I've ever felt more uncomfortable in my life!! But it was truly discomfort in the best way!

Wrapping up my college degree was definitely a big one and the roller coaster of emotions that accompanied it ranged from over the moon to "holy crap what do I do now?" I've learned a lot about staying active (physically and mentally) and lifelong learning. Summer brought a lull with it while Jake was in France and then the FIFA world cup which I watched nearly every day. As fall approached, I got a second job teaching writing at Veritas!! Lesson-planning takes up most of my time these days so I'm learning quite a bit about work-life balance(!) Finally, I've been pursuing my interest in international missions by networking, seeking mentors, and befriending refugees here in Tucson.

I am so glad I blogged my goals last January because looking back, I realized that I met almost all of them, even though I didn't have the list in front of me the whole year. I started my IRA and put away about $1,000 in it, graduated from college (!!!), began teaching in a real school, took an art class, joined a soccer team, and traveled quite a bit, including a solo trip to visit Jake in SD and a road trip just me and my bro. Whew! It's been a busy year!
My new goals include:

  • Putting another $1,000 in my IRA
  • Purchasing a passport
  • Saving $$ for an international trip
  • Keep practicing French
  • Buy/Read more books
  • Summer Job??

Predictions for next year? To be honest, I'm not really sure! I'm thinking (hoping?) it will be more mellow than the last couple years; I could use a rest! Actually, I get the sense that 2015 will be a year of preparation for whatever 2016 brings. I will likely renew my contract with Veritas for another school year of teaching experience under my belt before I pursue other teaching avenues abroad (in missions or otherwise). Financially, I'm saving up money for my international excursion(s). I don't see myself starting as many new activities or hobbies this year. I'll probably stick with soccer, practicing French, and reading when I can.