Sunday, October 27, 2013

While Mom and Dad are Away...

...the little hooligans come out to play (or something like that). Jussst kidding! Things have been pretty chill on the home front, but we have been watching a crapload of movies! Here are the stats:

Movies intended: 10
Movies actually watched: 9
Total hours: 18 hours and 15 minutes
Favorite: She's the Man
Cost of the pizza: $0.00
Average wake up time: 6:39 am
Average bed time: 9:40pm
Naps: 0
Feeling: Tired. Responsible.
Surprised by: my ability to stay awake after feeding the dog.
Accomplishments: finally downloaded iOS7 for. Bernard (verdict:  I like it!)
Reading: "In Camera" short story by Nawal El Saadawi
Highlights: Quiet house. Drinking tea in Mama's bed. Jake called me and when I answered the phone, his whole family shouted, "We love you Meesh!!!!. And hung up.
Quotes: "Why is this so awkward??" "Why are you making me watch this?" And "You were right, Misha!!" (Courtesy of Cameron)
Looking forward to: Sleeping in after Mom and Dad get home. (ie. not feeding Pat in the mornings)

This year marks the second year of what may very well become an ongoing tradition for me and Cam-- at least while I'm living at home: Parents' Anniversary Marathon!!! Last year, they went up to the Grand Canyon while me and Cameron stayed home and watched 9 movies by the same director (in chronological order by year) in two days. Crazy? Yes. But awesome. This year, we decided to do things a little differently. We picked a different theme for each day sand watched movies in that theme. For Example: Disney Animal movies might include Lion King, 101 Dalmations, Aristocats, etc. Note that this is a selective, not a comprehensive list- this is key. Since we had 3 days, we each picked a theme and agreed on the third theme.

Friday: Rom-Coms (50 first dates, She's the Man)
Saturday: Spider-Man (All 3 of the old ones with Toby Maguire, and the Amazing Spider-Man)
Sunday: "Mind-Blowers" (The Truman show, Total Recall, and Inception)

You can guess which one was my pick. Besides the thudding bass of our surround sound system, things have been pretty quiet around here! It's been nice having the house to ourselves, but I am looking forward to having Mom and Dad back again. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE movie marathons! That sounds like a thoroughly fantastic time!


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