Sunday, October 13, 2013

5 Quirks of Misha

My first video for Inksanity is live!

Things I learned: 

  1. Don't use Windows Movie Maker
  2. How to get to and navigate the inner workings of YouTube's movie editor
  3. Film all your takes at once (i.e. say stuff a bajillion times the first time so you don't have to refilm)
  4. Edit your video all at the same time. (i.e. don't upload half of it and come back to work on it later) 
  5. I make some really bizarre faces on freeze-film 
  6. I frequently sigh/exhale-heavily at random times when I speak
  7. Verbal Crutches: And, So, and But

There are a few instances where you can tell they were separate takes due to lighting, the angle of the screen, and the fact that I am more freshly showered at some parts compared to others. Oh well. Overall, it was a good first experience (even though I'm pretty sure I spent well over 4 total hours editing it together) and I'm happy with the outcome. Enjoy!

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