Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Main Event: Fields of Faith

I've found that even though I have officially graduated high school, I am being pulled back into it once again as I volunteer with CCC's youth ministry. Pastor Rob approached me over summer and asked me to come on staff with the freshmen girls. It's been challenging and I was nervous at first, but over the first month, I've grown to love my freshman girls. You'll probably hear much more about them over the coming year.

Every six weeks or so, Rob puts on what he calls, "The Main Event." What is the Main Event you ask? Why, it is exactly that--the Main Event. This event is shrouded in ministry for those who are not part of the elite, or haven't participated before. The Sunday previous, Rob announces it, encouraging all to come and find out what it's all about. The Main Event is generally a fun outing, in which Rob transports all the students to a remote location and hosts a fun activity off-campus. And it's different every time.

This October, our first Main Event took place at a local park for Fields of Faith hosted by Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

Here's their promo-video:

It was an awesome time of fellowship, worship, and prayer with the other Christian highschoolers of Tucson. At least three churches were represented and eleven schools! It was so encouraging to see so many young people gathered together in the name of Christ. I can always get excited about events that bring out city's youth together!

I think the biggest takeaway for me was to keep the Word fresh! I think this is something God has been bringing me back to a lot lately. At college group, Rob mentioned that when you grow up in Christian homes, sometimes we get bored of reading Scripture; it loses its freshness. He encouraged us to find ways to keep our faith fresh and new in our lives. It was spoken as a total afterthought, squeezing that little part in at the end when people are getting restless and itching to leave. But it hit me so hard. That same word came up again tonight--fresh. Exciting and new and different. Faith can't be just a routine.

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