Thursday, January 23, 2014

Valentine's Squirrels

Yesterday, I was in a happy, cookie-baking, movie-watching lovey-dovey valentines day kind of mood. The day is coming closer!! Valentine's day is one of my favorite holidays and not just because I've "always" had someone to celebrate it with. (If you recall, last year I was single and had a blast with my friends marathoning Disney princess movies.)

The color schemes, sweets, special Valentine's cookies, the cute love songs, all the hearts and doilies and lace! I will be very busy in early February so I was getting a headstart on my Valentine's cookies! What's going on, you ask?

1) Feb 6-10th, I'm visiting Jake in San Diego!
2) Feb 13-16th I'm going to the Passion Conference in Houston!

Of course I am very excited about both trips and you'll be hearing more about these pending adventures very soon! But these adventures do not leave much time for cookie baking or valentine making! So I popped these babies in the freezer to frost later because I'll be taking most of them with me to the Passion conference!

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