Saturday, January 18, 2014

Gungor Concert

Jake and I saw Gungor perform at club Congress last Thursday night. They were so incredible! I honestly don't know how to describe the experience except in fragments:

an over-packed club * standing room only * tech guys flit acros the stage * the crowd is a tremor of anticipation * openers: loud and bass-y * I'm wishing we weren't so close to the speakers * my heartbeat synchs up with the thud thud thud of the kick * garbled lyrics but I like her moves * then... Gungor!!! * blinding lights blocked by someone's head * insane guitar riffs *crowd whoops * flawless harmonies * synthesizer * "We don't believe in genre." * wailing guitar * a hundred people lost in the pull, the ebb and tide of their music * last song feels as if the world is ending * band members drop out of the instrumental and exit one-by-one * stage goes black * it's...over?? * mass confusion and disorientation * just kidding there's still the encore * "Beautiful Things" * beautiful concert.

I think I just witnessed some of the best Christian musicians in the world.
Words are inadequate.

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