Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday Stats


hours spent in teacher training: 13
cups of coffee: 4
movies watched: 3
podcasts listened to: 7
mood: excited
currently reading: Radical by David Platt

Weekly Update:

Whew! It has been quite a while since I've posted stats or a decent update! It's funny how fast life slips by in the summer. Most of the big stuff that's happened this month has already been posted. I'm still recovering emotionally from my week serving as a counselor for Royal Family Kid's Camp (links to their main website), which is the main reason why I haven't written about it yet. (I intend to, but who knows if it will actually make it onto the blog.) In case the piece does not get published here, let me just say that it was intense, but it was also an incredible and life-changing week.

There were so many times where I literally thought, "Oh God, I cannot do this. I am never doing this again. Why did I sign up for this? This camp is the worst thing I have ever volunteered for!" etc. etc. I didn't believe Kristina at training when she told us we'd be in the fetal position, crying and flicking the lights on and off by the end of the week; but I was hysterical--sobbing my guts out, outside the craft room hysterical--by day 2. But you know what? When you pour out yourself, your whole self, for the ones God loves, He gives you supernatural strength to endure. I was right in those moments where I thought, "I can't do this." Because I really couldn't, but through the Lord's strength he enabled me to keep making those sacrifices, even without the reward of recognition. And there were lots of sacrifices--I smashed beetles and caught bugs with my bare hands. I quietly took care of pee clothes after one of my campers wet the bed. I carried water bottles Bibles and miscellaneous items in my backpack at all times. I gently reminded my campers of the rules every hour of the day. I gave my boyfriend only side hugs all week long, because "At Royal Family, we give really good side hugs!" My personal space was violated almost every day. I wrote kind notes when there was no kindness left in me.

God gave me everything I needed and more--patience, kindness, strength. And by the end of the week, complaints and fatigue and all, I could still say with a smile (and maybe the twinkle of a tear or two in my eye) that yes, I could do it again. It was one of the most challenging weeks of my life, but by God's grace I survived and by his Spirit, I will serve again in the future. If you are interested in serving foster kids who have been neglected and abused, please don't let this scare you off. It's not an easy sell, but at the end of the day, it truly is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

That turned out to be much longer than I thought! Otherwise, I think it's safe to say that work has effectively consumed much of my time lately. Lots of remote work for CP and paperwork (and fingerprints!) for the Academy, plus teacher training the last three days and all the time that reading the manual and prepping lessons takes.... I've been a busy lady. But I am grateful that things have fallen into place for now. I can deal with the hectic activity for now, knowing that a routine is coming in the very near future. (And hopefully more of these updates!)

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