Friday, July 11, 2014

Exciting Things


soccer games watched: 5
quilt blocks sewn: 2.75
naps taken: 3
alka-seltzers consumed: 5
exciting things: 4
reading: RFKC Manual
learning: HTML/CSS
feeling: excited


Lots was happening last weekend, so I didn't get around to posting some stats with my weekly update. This last week has been a little dull as I've been spending a lot of time at home, but I also have some very exciting things to announce!!

I got some mail-love from Maike earlier this week (which probably deserves it's own post!). She sent me a hand-drawn map of Tucson with a bunch of little arrows so I could fill it in with my Tucson-adventures and memories! And in light of my desire to be more content with my life and this poem, it was such a meaningful and precious gift. I am convinced that I have the most thoughtful friends!

Next week, I'll be serving as a counselor for Royal Family Kid's Camp! It's a camp for foster children who have been abused or neglected. We'll be spending the whole week creating positive memories for these kids to take with them wherever they go. It should be a super fun week!

And finally, my most exciting news of all!! Today I had my first post-grad legitimate interview!! I was sooo nervous. What will I wear? What should I expect? What if they don't like me? What if I answer the question wrong? What if I'm not what they're looking for? What if I don't get the job? What if, what if, what if. But you know what? I just tried to be my natural self and it went so well! And guess who's going to be a writing teacher for 7th/8th grade students??? Yours truly!! There are still a few more steps before I sign my contract and it's a done deal, but they really liked me and they think it's going to be a good fit! I'd be teaching two small groups of 7th to 8th grade students a couple times a week at a small Christian school! I'm so excited about the position! I was originally resistant teaching, because there is such a stigma surrounding the profession (I can't even tell you how many times I've encountered this conversation:

them: what's your major?
me: I'm an English major!
them: oh, so you want to teach? )

But I think this will be a great opportunity to get my feet wet and see if I like it! More to come!!

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