Sunday, July 27, 2014

Welcome to Farm-Life

Farm life isn't all that it's cracked up to be. In fact, farm-life is a lot of work! Maybe you knew this already; but we sure got a taste of it while we were there!

^ These guys...........

These little sheep look quite harmless, but in fact, they are are magicians! Every day, they move the fencing (that white netting in the background) to a different area so the sheep will graze it down. And they just keep moving it so the sheep graze down different areas of the property (and it gives time for all the grass to grow back). It's a pretty cool system, but you'll notice that the netting appears pretty flimsy! That's because it is and these seemingly ordinary sheep are escape artists! Somehow, I don't know how, they always managed to get out and then it would take six of us to wrangle them up--strategically walking around them to coral them back towards the temporary pen where someone was waiting to lock them up! It was quite comical to watch, even more so to be apart of. The rush! The adrenaline! The excitement!

As we were trying to wrangle these sheep back into their pen, where it was safe and there was plenty of grass to eat and water to drink, I recalled a bit of Scripture (several bits, actually) in which Jesus compares us to sheep. And I wonder if maybe the people back then found it to be quite a humorous comparison! I certainly did! How many times have I blatantly run away from the one (my Lord Jesus) who had nothing but my best interests at heart? Too many, that's what. But watching these sheep, I couldn't help but laugh and thank God for being my Good Shepherd.

Cameron also got to help slop feed the pigs! (Grandma takes offense to the word slop, "We only feed out pigs high-quality food! Not slop!")

Needless to say, it is a bit more interesting to say "slop the pigs," at least in our opinion!

And Cameron also got to milk a goat!

And he liked it! <-- all.="" and="" as="" awesome="" but="" can="" did="" either="" fact="" former.="" get="" goat-milking="" goat="" he="" highlight="" hopefully="" i="" in="" is="" it="" lame.="" liked="" maybe="" me="" milking="" most="" much="" myself="" next="" not="" of="" opportunity="" or="" our="" p="" really="" same="" so="" super="" surprises="" take="" tell="" that="" the="" then="" this="" time="" trip="" unfortunately="" was="" whether="" will--="" you="">

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