Saturday, November 9, 2013

Collaging with Katie

Katie is my mentee, or the girl I am mentoring. We started getting together for coffee back in April for an assignment in my Leadership Courses. The course is long over, but we still meet up on a regular basis (weekly or bi-weekly depending on schedules). I have enjoyed building my relationship with Katie so much! We have had some great talks! This morning, we decided to do a little something different: collaging with old magazines!

We were recently discussing the "Theory of Attraction" which basically says that our likes and dislikes are often influenced by our friends, but when we take the time to understand ourselves, we become more attractive people. Put differently, when you know what you are attracted to (and it doesn't necessarily have to be people) you become more attractive.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about individuality. Not because I'm going through an identity crisis or anything of the sort, but this topic has been cropping up a lot lately and it's very peculiar. My friends keep asking me about it. One girl, over coffee asked me if I thought it was important, "Oh yeah!" I think it is essential to figure out who you are, especially before you get involved with another person, or they will come to define you. Nicole was telling me last night, that she wants to focus on developing herself personally before she gets involved in a relationship. (For which I am SO proud of her!) Just this week, Jake was telling me on the phone that he really admired that I am an individual, and I don't let others determine my personality. I'm not sure why this keeps coming up, but I feel like it's important.

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