Wednesday, March 12, 2014

$5 to France

Lately, I've been really interested in visiting France, which may or may not have something to do with the fact that Jake is visiting the country this summer and I am so so jealous that he gets to have some big travel adventures before I do. But I am not going to just sit here and watch him have all the fun!

One thing I see pretty often on Pinterest (links to my homepage) is the $5 Jar Challenge: Every time a $5 bill comes into your possession, instead of spending it, put it in a jar until you have enough to buy whatever special thing you happen to be saving for.

As you've probably guessed by now, I am doing the $5 Jar to save up for a trip to France someday. (Perhaps this way, it will come a lot sooner than "someday"!) I've been working on it since Christmas and so far I've saved up about $200 Since my spending is primarily cash-based a lot of $5 bills come through my hands (meaning I save more!).

I am going to France, $5 at a time. 

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